


Project Manager

Project Type

Game Design


Adult Learners


New York University


ECT Community


Academic texts in a graduate level course are hard to read and as a novice leanrer, note taking is not always possible. This prevents in building a strong foundation early in the course.


Community based learning supports all learners, especially while taking collaborative notes.


Build a Wikipedia
No items found.


  • Creation of a collaborative-learning platform for students to upload their notes and use each other's work as primers to academic texts.

My Role

  1. Initiator

    Recognising the diversity of problems students are faing in their first semester, I initiated ECTpedia in collaboration with Dr. Yoav Bergner in the Foundations of Cognitive Science class.
  2. Learning Designer
    As a key contributor to the page, I assessed the topics and branches of knowledge that would be critical to focus on initially while building the Wiki. Moreover, I devised the standards for every entry on the Wiki to ensure that the quality is maintained uniformly.

Key Learnings

  1. Participation in a community requires intrinsic motivation and a process-oriented mindset to achieve various check posts towards the goal.

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