Counter Speech Fellowship with ​Instagram


The Counter Speech Fellowship with Instagram is designed ​to empower creative teenagers to address and ​counteract the negative aspects of the internet. It ​addresses the lack of guidance for teens on navigating ​online environments by providing a structured program that ​develops digital literacy, critical thinking, and content ​creation skills.

Using the power of art and storytelling to voice opinions, ​advocate for social change, and foster positive online ​communities, the fellowship aims to create awareness, build ​empathy, and change mindsets, making the internet a safer ​and more inclusive space for everyone.

KaroNa Campaign

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our society faced a host of challenges encompassing ​mental health concerns, misinformation, hate speech, violence against women, issues faced by ​migrant workers, and other vulnerable groups. Despite the pandemic being beyond our control, ​our collective response as a society is crucial. The KaroNa Campaign, initiated by YLAC, aims to ​unite individuals who share common values, particularly the Counter Speech Fellowship ​community, to promote compassion and provide assistance to meaningful causes during these ​trying times.


My Role

  • Learning Experience Designer
  • Founded KaroNa Campaign
  • C​urriculum De​signer
  • Facilitator
  • Visual Des​igner and Produc​er
  • Project Manager

Cohorts and Projects


  • Kolkata, 2019
  • Guwahati, 2019
  • Mumbai, 2019


  • Nepal, 2020


  • Phase 1 - 2020
  • Phase 2 - 2020
  • Phase 2 - 2021

Karo Na Campaign

Onlin​e 2020

I would lead a cohort with a support team-member while running the fellowship.Each online cohort ​consisted of approximately 30 fellows, while the online versions included around 70 fellows.

Impact in Counter Speech Fellowship


Mentees from over

62 cities in

India and Nepal


Featured in National ​Newspaper


Retention rate amongst ​fellows ensuring sustained ​engagement

Impact in KaroNa Campaign


Volunteers mobilized COVID-19 to ​create a support repository on ​mental health, supplies and oxygen


Raised for migrant workers ​affected by the pandemic


Supporters in mobilizing ​moneta​ry resources

The Problem

Despite being digital ​natives, Gen Z is often ​not adequately ​educated on digital ​safety. Consequently, ​they are susceptible to ​various online ​challenges, such as ​body image issues, ​mental health concerns, ​and cyberbullying.


Create positive online communities that echo a counter-narrative, empowering and amplifying the voices ​of young people.


  • Empower teens to address concerns such as bullying, privacy, trust, and safety on the internet.
  • Leverage art to generate awareness, build empathy, and drive social change.


During my stint at YLAC, I spearheaded seven editions of the Counter Speech Fellowship, mentoring ​over 150 participants across India and Nepal. Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, I revived this community to ​build the KaroNa Campaign, focusing on resilience and positive messaging during challenging times.

Making the internet safer

Fellowship structure

  • A 9-week fellowship designed to develop skills in creativity, critical thinking, and community ​building.
  • Fellows work on art-based campaigns to raise awareness on critical social issues.
  • The program includes workshops, mentorship sessions, and community projects.


The Counter Speech Fellowship was born out of a passionate belief that young people have the power to reshape our digital world for the better. As the lead of this program, I saw it as more than just a digital literacy initiative; it was a catalyst for nurturing the next generation of social leaders.

Our vision was to empower teenagers not just as responsible digital citizens but as agents of change capable of transforming their communities and our collective society. This mission resonated deeply with me because young minds should be given a stake in deciding the norms of the society they are living in.

What made me particularly passionate about this project was that I was able to design and develop a learner-centric approach. We didn't just teach; we created experiences that allowed each fellow to discover their unique voice and perspective. By designing multi-modal experiences, we challenged fellows to think critically about technology, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and community.

As both a user experience designer and a mentor, I was acutely aware of our fellows’ diverse abilities and needs. This awareness drove one of our fundamental design principles: to create a platform that genuinely championed inclusivity and empowerment. We wanted every voice to be heard and every perspective valued.

Working closely with the students was incredibly rewarding. It allowed me to understand their needs on a deeper level and respond with tailored strategies. We implemented a three-tiered approach - community-centered norms, team-centered strategies, and individual-centered plans. This comprehensive framework ensured that collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking could flourish at every level.

What made this fellowship truly special was witnessing the growth of these young individuals. Seeing them evolve from passive internet users to proactive change-makers was inspiring. They weren't just learning about digital safety; they were actively creating solutions, challenging norms, and inspiring their peers.

This program embodied my belief that any learning experience should be transformative, not just informative. By empowering these young minds, we weren't just making the internet safer; we were cultivating a generation of thoughtful, empathetic, and action-oriented leaders who could drive positive change in all aspects of society.

My passion for this program stemmed from its potential to create ripple effects of positive change. Each empowered fellow became a beacon of responsible digital behavior, influencing their peers and communities. This multiplier effect gave me hope for a future where the internet could truly be a force for good, driven by the very generation that grew up with it.

In essence, the Counter Speech Fellowship was more than a program; it was a movement. A movement to harness the creativity, energy, and unique perspectives of young people to address some of the most pressing issues of our digital age. And being at the helm of this movement was not just a responsibility, but a privilege that fueled my passion every single day.

My responsibilities

  • Design and Development
    • Curriculum Creation: Crafted a comprehensive curriculum for a 9-week fellowship, ​encompassing various topics like mental well-being, sustainability, and educational justice.
    • Engaging Learners: Devised interactive and enjoyable learning activities to ignite interest in ​these subjects, utilizing ice-breakers and interactive tasks.
    • Community Learning: Emphasized the significance of communal learning by integrating ​activities such as think, pair, and share to foster strong connections and engagement among ​participants.
    • Workshop Creation: Formulated workshops concentrating on crafting public narratives and ​constructing impactful campaigns.
    • Hands-On Learning Modules: Established experiential learning modules addressing themes ​like gender equality, mental well-being, body positivity, climate justice, and bullying.
  • Facilitation
    • Fellowship Facilitation: Successfully led seven editions of the fellowship over two and a half ​years, transitioning from in-person to virtual formats.
    • Learner-Focused Setting: Prioritized the creation of an inclusive and fair learning ​environment, ensuring a secure space for all participants.
  • Graphic Design and Social Media Management
    • Social Media Head: Managed the social media presence of the Counter Speech Fellowship, ​curating motivational and uplifting content across all editions.
    • Branding Design: Developed the visual branding for the fellowship to cultivate a unified and ​visually appealing identity.
  • Mentorship
    • Fellow Guidance: Conducted regular mentorship sessions to offer advice and monitor the ​progress of fellows.
    • Campaign Planning and Execution: Aided fellows in formulating and executing campaigns to ​advocate for changes both online and in local communities.
  • Creative Production
    • Fellowship Video Production: Directed the creation of the Counter Speech Fellowship video, ​showcasing fellows' work over four years. Oversaw narrative development and logistical ​aspects of filming.

Overall Contributions

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