Smartphone Frame Vector


Cultivating Lifelong Connections

Sept 2023-

June 2024


Moai is an AI-powered learning app designed to help Gen-Z and Late Millennials combat loneliness ​by developing relational intelligence. It provides personalized learning experiences that enable ​users to build meaningful connections and expand their community.


Awarded Best Design for Social Impact by New York ​University (NYU)

50+ users on waitlist pre-launch

Participated in Al--Female Hackathon by FemBuild Collective

Completed the highly-competitive Start-up bootcamp at NYU ​Entrepreneurial Institute

My Role


Developed concepts from research findings, tested these with users, and ​created visual designs for the final prototype.

Skills: Human-centered design, design thinking, game design, UX/UI design, prototyping.


Conducted extensive interdisciplinary secondary research across various fields ​and primary research including transformative interviewing and lean testing.

Skills: Literature review, transformative interviewing, lean testing, mixed methods research, ​analysis of interdisciplinary studies.



Managed overall project strategy, timelines, and stakeholder outreach. ​Coordinated user interviews, concept testing, and usability testing phases.

Skills: Time management, stakeholder management, strategic planning, scheduling.


Explored product-market fit, engaged with entrepreneurs and investors, and ​developed a business plan to assess the feasibility of the product launch.

Skills: Market analysis, business planning, customer discovery, networking with entrepreneurs, ​pitching to investors.

Project Type:

UX/ Product Design



Design Process:

Double Diamond


18-34 year old


25 Weeks


Sept 2023,

New York University

Exploring the topic of ​learning social skills for ​relationship building

Dec 2023,

New York University

Presenting Research ​Findings

Jan 2024,

New York University

Designing solutions for ​target users

Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long

Apr 2024,


Developing product ​market fit and building ​a team of consultants

Freelance Team

  • Shreya Chaudhry, UX Designer
  • Shweta Chaudhari, Marketing consultant
  • Sukhmani Bakshi, Business development consultant
  • Nana Bonsu, Front end development consultant
  • Yashraj Patil, Back end development consult​ant

Discovery Phase

Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

“Socially connected will be a lifelong need, like food and warmth.”

- Mathew Lieberman, Social: How our brains are Wired to Connect

Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

The Crisis of Connection

In today's hyperconnected world, a paradoxical loneliness ​epidemic has emerged, particularly among Gen Z and ​late millennials, which keeps growing every year.

Not so fun-facts about the Loneliness Epidemic

Loneliness has ​the same effect ​as smoking

Rocknroll Icon Doodle Cigarette

cigarettes ​daily


Young Americans self-reporting


"Seriously lonely” in 2020

Experiencing depression and anxiety from loneliness in 2019


Causes of social ​disconnection

Increased ​digital ​interactions



Decreasing ​interpersonal ​trust

Changes in

family ​structures

Gen Z and Millennials frequently experience daily or weekly ​loneliness, unlike older generations.

Generation-wise reporting of the percentage of feeling lonely in childhood

(American National Family Life Survey, December, 2021)

Initial Assumptions

People are aware of their loneliness and care about being social

Tanvi Vartak

Physical distance is the main reason behind loneliness

Tanvi Vartak

Re-designing interaction on social media platforms can address the problem

Tanvi Vartak

What are the main challenges users face while trying to overcome loneliness?

Methodology for Research

Literature Review





User Characteristics

12 participants

Born between ​1991-2012

The interviews took place through ​the approach of transformative ​interviewing, a practice that ​focuses on fostering deep ​connections between the ​interviewee and interviewer through ​the process of active listening and ​thoughtful questioning, by ​prioritizing "thick" questions to ​build reciprocal empathy.

Themes of User Research Interview

Relationship ​education

Experiences/ ​Challenges in ​Connection

Support for ​Forming ​Connections

Awareness of ​Impact of Social ​Connections

Technology Use ​and Social ​Interactions

Emotional ​Needs and


The Learning Gap

Interviews with users: What they really said!

quote symbol icon

“ I spend a lot of time doom-scrolling and later on ​realize that this time I have will not come back. I am ​conscious that spending time with people is a much ​better option - but being always the planner, I would ​hope sometimes there is some reciprocation for my ​efforts from my friends. I don’t know how to articulate ​this without coming across as needy. But moments like ​these is when I slip into isolation.”

-- Ari (21 year old, male) Computer Science ​senior at University of Michigan, Ann-Arbour

quote symbol icon

“It’s unfortunate but true - Men are really given a ​free pass to behave as per their whims and we ​bear the cost of the loss of relationships. We don’t ​focus on them, but when we lose it, its as if reality ​hits and there’s nobody to understand us, because ​we don’t understand it ourselves. Come to think of ​it, it’s a language that I have never learnt and ​hence not understood it myself or others.

-- Kole (31 year old, male) Entrepren​eur

quote symbol icon
quote symbol icon

Insightful nuggets from Interviews

User Research on Social ​Relationships of Young ​People

Causes of feelings in ​disconnection and loneliness in ​young people


Fear and


Social media

Young people ​experience ​relational and ​social anxiety ​which act as ​barriers


Absence of third ​space in modern ​society

hinders the formation ​of new social ​relationships

Fear of missing

out on social ​media portrays ​a one-sided ​picture which ​increases ​feeling lonely

Introvert’s lack of ​self-confidence in ​social skills affects ​their outcomes in ​making friends ​increaseing feelings ​of loneliness

Focus on ​independence and ​confidence has ​created an ​aversion towards ​interdependence

Young people ​do not

self report as ​it requires ​awareness ​and ​acceptance

Lack of self-​identification

Identity and ​Personality type

Aversion to ​Interdependence

We think we are great listeners. But the truth is relational intelligence ​needs to be learnt and cultivated as we have lost our humanness because ​of harmful ideologies (Way et al, 2018)

Key Insights from ​Research

Social connection changes over time, can ​be improved or compromised (OSG, 2023)

Building a culture of care is important to ​rebuild our social fabric (OSG, 2023)

Gaps in existing solutions for learning to build social connections

Social Media Platforms

(Instagram, Tiktok, Tumblr, Youtube)

People are connected but there’s a skill gap for building meaningful connections both online and offline

Meaningful questions asked during game settings lack sustained impact outside the game circle.

One-size fits all content

There is a need for more personalized, tailored interventions that account for individual differences & specific needs

Therapy and Helplines

Lacks focus on long-term strategies to build and maintain social connections.

Define Phase

Point of View

A significant number of Gen Z and Millennials rely on ​digital platforms for social interactions, often finding these ​connections to be shallow and unsatisfactory. There is a ​critical need for a platform that provides tools to foster ​genuine, meaningful relationships and enhances overall ​well-being.

User Persona

Liam, 25

Graphic Designer, ​New York

  • Introverted & shy
  • Creative and ​visual
  • Love birds

Liam works remotely from his small apartment in Brooklyn. The pandemic wasn’t the best on his mental health and his diminished social interaction made him more socially anxious post-COVID. He is always at a crossroad since he knows that his lack of social interaction is taking a toll on his mental health, but he finds it challenging to reach out to others and maintain connections.



  • Fears of rejection leading to ​distress
  • Overthinker and self-blamer
  • Finds it hard to initiate and ​sustain meaningful ​connections


  • Hates social media
  • Ghosts people, doesn’t know ​how to respond
  • Struggles with feelings of ​inadequacy and self-doubt in ​social situations
  • Develop the confidence and skills to initiate and ​maintain meaningful connections
  • Learn how to navigate communication with people in a ​way that feels manageable and authentic
  • Build a supportive network of friends and colleagues ​who understand and accept him as he does to them

“I should reach out to people, but I don't know ​what to say”

“I feel like I'm always going to say or do ​something wrong which will make people push ​me away”

“I wish I had a close group of friends ​who just understood me”

“I am not good at socialising and if I ​try, I will be rejected”

“I will avoid the risk of getting hurt if I ​don't make a fool out of myself by trying ​“

“Only if I had good social skills ​would I be able to connect with ​others and cure my loneliness”

Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Speech Bubble Icon
Pie Chart Icon

Empathy ​Map





Feeling Love Icon
thinking cloud icon
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long

“Lonely and isolated especially after ​pandemic limited his physical and ​social interactions”

Find out what your ​company does well and ​where there are any ​weaknesses or room for ​development. You can ​use this to decide where ​to concentrate your ​efforts.

“Anxious and self-conscious about social ​skills and ability to connect with others”

"Frustrated by the inability of connecting with others ​and maintain meaningful relationships

Spends most free time along in ​his creative projects

Avoids social situations that make ​him feel anxious or uncomfortable.

Occasionally reaches out to old friends but ​struggles to maintain regular contact and ​deepen connection

Engages in solitary hobbies like ​birdwatching and photography.

To-do Note Icon
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long

User Journey



Download​s Moai



Completes ​personalised ​micro activities

Selects activity to ​do with their ​connection

Extend/ Re-engage

Reflects everyday ​on their commitment ​and progress

Applies ​relational ​intelligence ​knowledge

Reads ​description of ​the app

Discover​s Moai

Interacts ​with AI ​companion



Customises ​character & ​environment

Creates a ​narrative for ​their social ​circle

Visualises their social connection

Reflects on their progress in life

Sets intentions ​for maintaining ​and expanding ​their connections



Log in

Explore/ Use/ Act/ Reflect

Exit / Feedback / Repeat

One-step log in

Avatar creation

Contact book sync

AI supported Learning ​Agent

Learner centric design

Learner analytics as ​feedback

Rewards for increasing Moai

Rewards for improved social ​connections and positive ​interactions

Visualisation of

Byte-size learning ​modules

Learner centric design

Learner analytics as ​feedback

Scaffolded ​learning

Playful design

Experiential ​Learning

Find my friends

Design Phase

How might we empower Gen Z to become 'social ​architects,' actively designing their own meaningful ​social ecosystems in an increasingly digital world?

Idea Bulb Icon

Decision Spotlight

Users behavior research shows that they are as active participants in solving the problem. Hence seeing them ​as agents of change aligns with the product’s empowering approach. This aligns with adult learning theory ​principles that provides users self-determination in choosing their course of action towards their desired goals.

Brainstorming Ideas and Features

Playful ​pedagogy

Narrative based ​learning

Solid Oval 2



User agency in ​choosing challenges

Solid Oval 2


Tracking analytics

Left Arrow Illustration
White Circle Vector

Mood tracker

Multi-media ​principles

Black Upwards Arrow
Solid Oval 2


Behavioral design

Visualisation of ​surveys

Hand Drawn Arrow

Metacognition ​and reflection

Solid Oval 2


Downwards Looping Arrow

Scaffolding with

learning agent

Solid Oval 2

Emotionally ​intelligent AI model

Left Arrow Illustration
Solid Oval 2
Brown Oval Element

Immediate ​feedback


Learner ​adaptivity

Customisation for ​emotional design

Looping Downwards Arrow
Black Downwards Arrow

Dynamic content ​delivery

Solid Oval 2

Learner-centric ​modules

Solid Oval 2
Brown Oval Element
Solid Oval 2


Social media ​platform


Contextual and

cultural ​adaptability

Community ​building

Wearable ​tracking systems

User Insight

In two years of consciously feeling lonely, I have realized that I have always felt this way, but never really admitted it. When compared to my job, I could say “I am depressed because I was laid off, I am anxious because I can't find a job. But to admit that I am lonely is hard. Because culture portrays lonely people as unlovable. And that is a hard pill to swallow.”

-- Ben, 28, Software Engineer, previously employed at FAANG

Guiding values for thoughtful design

Power of the Community

Recognizing that our communities help us navigate life’s challenges, we ​need to empower individuals to build and nurture their own supportive ​communities.

Personal touch

Every individual’s journey is unique, and by provide personalized guidance ​and tools actually helps you grow into yourself and your relationships.

Intelligent in relationships

Building meaningful relationships requires emotional intelligence, empathy, ​and effective communication from a long-term perspective for people to ​create their impact in life.

Resilience and well-being

The interconnectedness between strong relationships that contribute to your ​overall mental and emotional health need to be consciously created

Learning Theories

Half Circle Diagram

Social Constructivism

(Vygotsky, 1978; 1980)

Kolb's Experiential

Learning Theory

(Kolb, 1984)

Dual Coding Theory

(Paivio, 1991)

Colorful Pastel 4 Shapes Infographic Element



(Piaget, 1971)

Social Cognitive ​Theory

Modelling and


(Bandura, 1986)

Self-Determination ​Theory

Intrinsic Motivation &

Autonomy (Ryan & ​Deci, 2000)

Transformative ​Learning Theory

Fundamental shift in


(Mezirow, 2000)

Quick concepts

Phase 1: Introducing Social Health as a part of Apple ​Mental Health

Apple introduces Social Health, an extension of Apple Health designed to strengthen interpersonal relationships ​among its 124.7 million U.S. iPhone users. This new feature seamlessly integrates with the existing Health app, ​offering:

  • Reflective prompts
  • Tools to encourage interpersonal curiosity
  • Location sharing capabilities
  • Voice recordings for expressing care

Social Health aims to leverage data tracking and sharing to foster meaningful connections, making it easier for ​users to stay in touch with family and share valuable health information.

Gold stones and boulders in cartoon style. Gold nuggets. Gemstones. Gold mine elements

Golden nugget = An ​emotional experience ​being shared with another ​individual which induced a ​positive feeling of ​connectedness with the ​other

Idea Bulb Icon

Reflection on social ​learning

Bubble Chat Question Icon

Asking Meaningful ​Questions

Clock icon vector, Time symbol
Help Line Icon

Time spent with ​people

Helped someone ​today - Recieved/ ​expressed gratitude

User Insights - Concept Testing

  • Inputting information into daily tracker is not the sole experience they’d want to do
  • The immediate need of knowing how to build social connections is not learnt from a knowledge ​perspective, still needs to be addressed.

Competitive Research







AI ChatBot

Personalized ​Experience

Learning ​Modules

Relational ​Intelligence

Playful ​Pedagogy


per user/ ​month



Not ​launched




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Green Tick Icon
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X Icon Illustration
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X Icon Illustration
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Green Tick Icon
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X Icon Illustration

Phase II: Building one’s Moai

Mo.AI: The Solution

The solution is inspired by the idea developing the skills to consciously create one’s own ​social groups by learning the skills of relational intelligence, with connections that ​vary across interests and support them throughout a lifetime.





Active ​Listening




Culture of ​Care

Idea Bulb Icon

Decision Spotlight

In a world filled with numerous social platforms, prioritizing relational intelligence skills to tackle the root ​cause of disconnection empowers users with the tools, knowledge, and behavioral changes needed for ​meaningful and connected social interactions and relationships.

Three Venn Diagram



  • AI Nudge Companion
  • Learner Personalisation
  • Visualisation of growth in ​narrative
  • Microlearning, scaffolding ​and experiential learning
  • Active Listening
  • Empathetic Communication
  • Perspective Taking
  • Reflection
  • Interpersonal Curiosity



  • Consciously improving social ​connections for overall well-being
  • Creating a culture of care within our ​communities
  • Building life-long connections while ​improving relational intelligence in ​real-life situation

Impact Metrices

Participation in communities

Completion of learning modules

Increase in happiness and life satisfaction

Improved quality of social relationships/ time spent socially

Improved Social Networks

Increased sense of belongingness

Improved confidence in navigating through social situations

User Insights - Iterative Design

Atleast 75% of users have used ChatGPT for preparing or communicating through ​difficult conversations be online or offline.

“Sometimes I just don’t know what is the right thing to say, and like being on ChatGPT ​is better to be vulnerable than on Reddit because I can be honest without the fear of ​judgement.” - Alyssa, 23, Associate​ Product Manager

Key Features

Visualization of Social Circle: Making Abstract Tangible

Idea Bulb Icon

Decision Spotlight

In a world filled with numerous social platforms, prioritizing relational intelligence skills to tackle the root ​cause of disconnection empowers users with the tools, knowledge, and behavioral changes needed for ​meaningful and connected social interactions and relationships.

Smartphone Frame Vector

My Moai

Geometric Clean Filled Concentric Pattern Circle

Meaningful Social ​Network (150)

Sympathy Group (15)

Loved ones (5)


Social Group ​(35-50)

Attach faces and names to ​social circles for enhanced ​memory and emotional ​engagement

Encourages reflection and ​personalized strategies to ​strengthen bonds

Clarify social needs and goals ​through a visual map of ​meaningful connections using ​Dunbar’s Theory of Social ​Group​s

User feedback:

I used to think I am doing a pretty good job at staying connected with people, I have over a 100 friends on my close friends on Instagram. But this actually helped me realize that there are people I care about but haven't been nurturing my relationship with them. It showed me how important these people are to me by bringing them back into attention. I'm going to call my childhood friend right now, to tell him that I miss him, I haven’t spoken to him in a year, and this reminded me.”

-- Mason, 31, PhD Student

Customized Supporting Character

Idea Bulb Icon

Decision Spotlight

Incorporating a supporting character as a learning agent serves as a powerful tool for emotional design ​and personalized learning. By personalizing features of user’s AI companion, akin to a digital genie, ​embodies humanistic traits and abilities that resonate with users on a deeper, more personal level. Just as ​the Genie guides Aladdin through his journey of self-discovery and growth, this design supports ​developing users' relational intelligence in a user-centered and personalized manner

Choose your supporting character

Green Check
Image Upload Icon

What would you like to call me?

Thought Bubble Illustration

Hi Liam! I am excited ​to be with you on ​your adventures!

Personalized supporting agent ​to foster a meaningful affective ​and emotional connection

Complements user's tendencies and ​provides support-based learning ​through hints and optimistic and ​actionable language

Offers personalized feedback ​and advice to enhance your ​learning experience

User feedback:

I enjoy the idea of selecting an emotional support animal. Maybe offering additional choices or ​enabling users to upload images of their 'childhood toys' could also serve as a source of emotional ​support.

-- Mia, 26 year old, Teacher

Personalized AI Companion

Bite-sized learning with gradually ​increasing complexity for effective skill ​acquisition.

Personalized Feedback to ​your

unique situation and ​emotional state

Conversational Communication and Active ​Learning to practice skills in a safe, ​supportive environment.

Design Rationale:

While interacting with machines doesn't demand politeness, providing AI-powered learning ​companions with human-like qualities can assist learners in grasping how empathetic and caring ​communication can be replicated digitally. The personalized companion also showcases the traits ​users aim to enhance. By offering feedback and engaging in role play, users gain greater familiarity ​with this behavior.


High-Fidelity Prototype

Mo.AI helps users build the knowledge and skills of relational intelligence to empower ​them with the confidence to build their own community of support

Secondary Source

Still here?

Check out my thoughts on the process.

Market Research

FemTech Hackathon, 2024

Target Market

  • Individuals experiencing social disconnection, isolation and loneliness - periodic or chronic.
  • Individuals seeking self-improvement and personal development through relationships.
  • Professionals and couples and families looking to strengthen their relationships.

For the US market, the target ​demographic and psychographic ​characteristics:

Age: 18-35

Tech-savvy individuals

Income: Middle to upper-middle class

Geographic: Urban areas

“Especially as a man, I have never really learnt to be in relationships. My family’s influence wasn’t a great yardstick for me. I have been to therapy, but it’s not really helped me connect with people more meaningfully. The internet has so much information and it just feels overwhelming because who empowers you to be yourself in relationships?”

-- Connor, 30, Software Engineer, Brooklyn

Market Size


46.2 m

US Personal Development ​Market


27.7 m

Users in urban cities, ​educated, and with ​disposable income.

Business Model


2.77 m

10% of SAM

Individual Customers


Subscription based Freemium Model






Corporate Clients


Tier based Pricing Model


~ 50



51 - 200



201 - 1000








Per user/ ​per year

Go-to-market strategy

Pre Launch ​(Weeks 1-4)

Pre Launch

(Week 5)

Post Launch

(Weeks 6-7)

Initial Growth Phase ​(Weeks 7-12)

Continuous Growth

(Weeks 12-beyond)

  • Initial Setup
  • Build Online ​Presence
  • Press Release
  • Influencer Outreach
  • Beta testing
  • Email campaign
  • App store ​Submissioon
  • Press Release
  • Paid Ads
  • Influencer ​Promotions
  • Social Media ​Announcements
  • In-App Messaging
  • User Onboarding
  • Customer Support
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Referral Program
  • Ongoing Content ​Creation
  • Feature Release
  • User Feedback Loop
  • Strategic Partnerships

Revenue Projections


Total Revenue in Year 5


Profit Margin


Revenue per user/per year

Growth Trend Arrow











Individual Customers

Corporate Clients

Funding Plan










Chat GPT



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Let’s Talk!